I suppose every person who has ever tried vegetarian diet came across the concern of providing enough protein for their bodies. Moreover, I can bet that every regular vegetarian more than often hears that it is impossible to do that. Speaking on behalf of my fellow non-meat eaters and my own, I can assure you this is not true.
Apart from eating meat and fish, there are plenty other ways of including protein in our diet. Here are some products which provide it.
(the amount of grams of protein per 100g of a product)
Eggs (13g)
Tofu (8g)
Soybeans (raw: 36g, boiled: 17g), Chickpeas (raw: 19g, boiled: 9g), Black beans (22g), Green peas (raw: 5g, boiled: 5g), Quinoa (raw: 14g, boiled: 5g)
Almonds (21g), Brazil nut (14g), Cashew (18g), Hazelnut (15g), Macadamia nuts (8g), Walnuts (15g)
Sesame (18g), Sunflower seeds (21g), Pumpkin seeds (30g), Chia seeds (17g)
For comparison, beef (85g lean meat, 15g fat) contains 26g of proteins. As you can see, there are many healthy substitutions of meat, which can be easily added into your diet. What is more, many of them provide a lot of other elements, such as magnesium, phosphorus or iron (nuts, seeds) in quantities not available in meat products.
Stay fit!
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Poza jedzeniem mięsa i ryb, jest wiele sposobów na włączenie
białka do diety. Tutaj są przykładowe produkty bogate w ten niezbędnik.
(ilość białka w 100 gramach produktu)
Jajka (13g)
Tofu (8g)
Rośliny strączkowe
Soja (surowa: 36g, ugotowana: 17g), Ciecierzyca (surowa: 19g, ugotowana: 9g), Czarna fasola (22g), Groszek zielony (surowy: 5g, ugotowany: 5g), Komosa ryżowa (surowa: 14g, ugotowana: 5g)
Migdały (21g), Orzechy brazylijskie (14g), Nerkowce (18g), Orzechy laskowe (15g), Orzechy makadamia (8g), Orzechy włoskie (15g)
Sezam (18g), Pestki slonecznika (21g), Pestki dyni (30g), Nasiona Chia (17g)
Dla porównania, wołowina (85g
chudego mięsa, 15g tłuszczu) zawiera 26g białka. Jak widzicie jest wiele zdrowych
zamienników mięsa, które z łatwością można włączyć do diety. Co więcej wiele z
nich zawiera inne niezbędne elementy, takie jak magnez, potas lub żelazo
(orzechy, ziarna) w ilościach, których nie ma w mięsie.
Bądź fit!
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